Hobbist artist, inspiring to become a professional one day.

Age 32, Male

Joined on 7/28/14

Exp Points:
199 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.18 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

Zelgeist's News

Posted by Zelgeist - October 21st, 2023

You can check out the details here:


Posted by Zelgeist - September 26th, 2023

Trying to upload new artwork. I see that I'm apparently not scouted yet, despite years on the site and that happening long time ago. What, Newgrounds, what?

Posted by Zelgeist - August 29th, 2023

Just like the title suggests. I need to finish up my current

queue before I can accept any more. Special thanks for

everyone who decided to commission me!

Posted by Zelgeist - August 14th, 2023

Hello people. I have opened commissions once again, with

new, more affordable prices and also with comic pages as

an official part of my offer. Check it out!


Posted by Zelgeist - July 14th, 2023

Commissions are closed for now

I'm going to change the prices, and as result my commissions are going to get cheaper overall.

Regardless if your reaction was happy or not, that's not all. Soon-ish I will have different username - though you still could call me Zel and it would still apply and be correct. Also, I will open new ways for people to support me, if they are feeling like it. So, if my commissions are too expensive, you could Patronage me other way. Or maybe if you think the quality of my work are not up to par, maybe I'll give you a way of punishing me via buying me a coffee (lol, I'm definitely not a coffee drinker).

Anyways, things are going to happen. Regardless if I initially will deserve your support or not, I think I just continue working to deserve it. For everyone supporting me so far, be it through favs, comments, commissions, critique and so on, thank you very much. I am really grateful


Posted by Zelgeist - November 20th, 2021

Closing commissions for a bit. I need to sort out some things out, including a work schedule I could actually keep.

Also, unfortunately, I had some unpaying customers lately so I will need to adjust the rules thanks to them.

Posted by Zelgeist - November 8th, 2021

Since someone brought up this to me today, I want to ask a question:

If I was to make my Patreon in the unspecified future from now, would you be interested in being my patron?

If yes, then what kind of reward system would you expect?


Posted by Zelgeist - October 12th, 2021

I have returned from a trip to my hometown with my girlfriend and as soon as I did it, it seems I caught a cold.

Withdrawal syndrome jokes aside, I'm predicting further delays. Sorry, no Tied Thursday this week.

Posted by Zelgeist - September 5th, 2021

There will be change to my work and upload schedule. Everything will go slower and therefore less. I apologize.

I have a difficult family situation right now for an uknown period of time.

Posted by Zelgeist - August 2nd, 2021

You can see it on my Pixiv and Twitter. 18+ only!

